Individual player registration is for player 7-14u that do not have a team or their team is paying by player. If you paid your manager for your league fees - STOP and do not use this link to register your child. Team registrations use a different registration link with instructions you should receive from your manager.
The registration process takes 5-10 minutes. This registration session will allow you to complete contact information, sign up for participation, and submit payment. Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately. To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or ACH Bank Account information available.
If you already have an account on, please click on " I have an Account " and use your User ID and Password from last year. If you do not remember your account name and still have access to the email you used last year, you can have the information emailed to you during the login process by clicking on the "I forgot my UserID/Password" link.
Otherwise click "New Registration"
IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT create duplicate Accounts.
If you forget your logon ID or the password to your new account, you can retrieve them by selecting "I forgot my User Id/Password" on the logon screen.
Register your individual player through this link if you already have an account with Pond.
Register here if you do not have an account at Pond already set up.