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Manager Registration & Code of Conduct

2025 Manager Registration & Code of Conduct

Pond Athletic Association Manager Registration

Thank you for choosing to coach youth baseball & softball at Pond Athletic Association. Please use the link below to register yourself as a coach/manager for the upcoming session. After registering you will be contacted by your age level coorindator to get your account set up and they will give you an introduction to our program and answer your questions. Should you have any questions before registering feel free to contact Dionna Helfers @ 314-422-4141 or The links to login are below the code of conduct. Login to your existing account or create a new account, click on Register for Upcoming Session, 2025 Manager Registration & Code of Conduct. 

During the Manager Registration process, you will review and accept our Code of Conduct documented below. 

Pond Athletic Association Code of Conduct

Participation in Pond Athletic Association is subject to all members obeying the Code of Conduct Rules set forth for all Players, Parents and Coaches.

Pond Athletic Association is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. This organization is a private club governed by a Board of Directors (herein, The Board).  Your affiliation is subject to adhering to the Code of Conduct Rules which the Board has set out for all parents, coaches and players. You should be familiar with the Code of Conduct rules for players, parents or coaches. Failure to adhere to these rules will, at the discretion of the Board, result in the scheduling of a mandatory disciplinary hearing in front of the Board. Rulings made at this hearing, failure to appear at a hearing and/or a repeat offense may result in you and/or your child being removed from participating in this association.

ZERO TOLERANCE: Any player, parent or coach who conducts themselves in a manner found to be detrimental to the welfare of this club may be removed from participating in this club temporarily or permanently.

While our Code of Conduct is very specific in its terms, the principals that we govern by in our program are as follows:


  • Play for FUN. Tell your coach and parents if baseball or softball stops being fun.
  • Work hard to improve your skills.
  • Be a team player-get along with your teammates.
  • Treat coaches, other players, official, fans and your teammates with respect regardless of race, sex, religion or baseball/softball abilities
  • Learn teamwork, sportsmanship and discipline.
  • Be on time for practice and games.
  • Practice and play games with energy and enthusiasm but never in a dirty, reckless or dangerous manner
  • Learn the rules and play by them. Always be a good sport win or lose
  • Respect your coach, your teammates, your parents, and your opponents.
  • Never argue with an officials decision.
  • Accept full responsibility for your actions--both on and off the field


  • Do not force your children to participate in sports, but support their desires to play their chosen sport.  Children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment. Make it fun.
  • Your children and others are watching you all the time. Your actions will tell them what is acceptable.  Make good choices in your actions and keep perspective of what is important.
  • Respect and abide by the "24 hour rule" of contact with your coaches for any concerns or questions you have. This includes email, phone, text or an in person conversation.
  • Encourage your child to play by the rules. Remember that children learn best by example, so applaud the good plays of both teams.
  • Do not embarrass your child be yelling at players, coaches or officials. By showing a positive attitude toward the game and all its participants, your child will benefit.
  • Emphasize skill development and practice and how they benefit your young athlete. De-emphasize games and winning\losing.
  • Learn and study the rules of the game and support the officials. Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game.
  • Applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat and enforce the positive points of the game. Never yell or physically abuse your child after a game or practice-it is destructive. Work toward removing the physical and verbal abuse in youth sports.
  • Refrain from coaching your child during practice or games.  Support your coaches and recognize the importance they have in the development of your child.
  • Coaches are volunteers and deserve your respect.
  • Accept responsibility for your actions and the actions of your guests.


  • Winning is a consideration, but not the only one, nor the most important one. Care more about the child than winning the game. Remember that players are involved in baseball or softball for fun and enjoyment.
  • Place the safety and well being of every player ahead of all other concerns and goals
  • Be a positive role model to your players and display emotional maturity
  • Use age appropriate language and verbal tone when dealing with players.
  • Be generous with your praise when it is deserved; be consistent and honest; be fair and just; do not criticize players publicly; learn to be a more effective communicator and coach; don’t yell at players.
  • Adjust to personal needs and problems of players; be a good listener; never verbally or physically abuse a player or official; give all players the opportunity to improve their skills; gain confidence and develop self-esteem; teach them the basics.
  • Organize practices that are fun and challenging for your players. Familiarize your self with the rules, techniques and strategies of baseball and softball; encourage all your players to be team players.
  • Maintain an open line of communication with your player’s parents. Explain the goals, objectives and expectations of your team and the association.
  • Be concerned with the overall development of each of your players-regardless of their abilities.
  • Accept responsibility for your actions as well as your players actions. You are their leader.

Manager Registration (Already have account at Pond)

Register as a manager through this link if you already have an account with Pond.

New Manager Registration (no account yet at Pond)

Register here if you do not have an account at Pond already set up.